Long Island Indicator Service

Pin Vise

Indicator Contact Point
pin vise for dial indicator

The complete set includes everything shown here.

This small pin vise gives you great flexibility when your dial or digital indicator contact point needs to fit into tight spaces or small grooves.

The pin vise screws into your indicator like any contact point (be sure you select the correct thread size) and then you're free to use any of the included contacts, or one of your own design. The vise will hold pins with diameters from .035" to .060".

Replacement pins are also available and they can be used with either 4-48 or M2.5 pin vises.

Order No. Thread US$
MTC13-05 complete set, inch with 5 points as shown 4-48 39.00
MTC13-06 complete set, metric with 5 points as shown M2.5 39.00
MTC13-08 pin vise only, inch without any points 4-48 29.50
MTC13-09 pin vise only, metric without any points M2.5 29.50
MTC13-10 replacement pin .031" Ø flat end any 8.50
MTC13-11 replacement pin .060" Ø flat end any 8.50
MTC13-12 replacement pin bent (angled as shown) any 8.50
MTC13-13 replacement pin conical end any 8.50
MTC13-14 replacement pin .120" Ø steel ball any 8.50
What is thread size?

The way some people bandy the terms 4-48 and M2.5 about, you'd think this was an innate sense we should have been born with.

4-48 is the thread size in inches, and M2.5 is in metric. They're different and one won't fit into the other. Just because your indicator is graduated in inches or in millimeters doesn't automatically tell you which point to use. There are metric reading indicators which have inch threads, and vice versa.

To make sure, take out your micrometer or calipers and measure the diameter of the threaded portion of the contact point which fits your indicators. Allowing for some variations in manufacturing, the 4-48 thread will have a diameter of about .108" to .110" while the metric M2.5 thread will be about .1" (that's 2.5 mm)
More about dial and digital indicator contact points

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An American Manufacturing Tradition

Long Island Indicator Service
Long Island Indicator Service was founded in 1960. We provide professional repair service for precision measuring tools and gages with an emphasis on Swiss made test indicators, dial indicators, dial calipers and micrometers. We are pleased to be a recognized service partner for Brown & Sharpe.

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