Long Island Indicator Service

Indicator Crystal Installation

The crystals (clear plastic lens) for test indicators, dial indicators and calipers are typically larger than the bezel for which they are designed.

New crystals are also flat. They become domed once they are inserted, under pressure. An old crystal will appear domed because, after a long time, it will take on this shape. Unfortunately, at this point it will also fall out easily.

The crystals have a beveled edge which will fit into the groove on the upper part of the bezel, but must be inserted in a concave (domed) manner so that the crystal will remain in place under pressure, and so that the plastic clears the movable dial hand. You will need to order a crystal that is at least 1 mm larger in diameter than the bezel requires.


The flat crystal Ø has to be larger than the inside diameter (i.d.) of the bezel (where the crystal will fit).

A crystal press is usually required to give the plastic lens its concave shape. (Bestest indicators and B&S calipers are exceptions.) Place the crystal and bezel in the press, in the correct orientation (take into consideration the beveled edge: the smaller surface will become the upper surface) and while the press is bending the plastic, gently snap the bezel into place. Release the press and the crystal will be firmly seated and have the correct curvature.

The press cannot be used with crystals made of glass, which will shatter under pressure.

Glue or cement is never used to hold the crystal in place. Some manufacturers may use a thin bead of silicon to create a waterproof seal. This is a tricky maneuver and should only be attempted with caution.

Hint: Use a bottom cup the same size or one size smaller than the diameter of the crystal.

Crystal Size Chart

Even though the manufacturer's name may be listed next to a particular crystal in the ordering chart below, it does not mean that every indicator or caliper made by that manufacturer can use that crystal. Be sure to measure the inside diameter of the bezel. (Read instructions above carefully)
Note: this is the maximum diameter (±0.1 mm) of the plastic crystal when flat. After the crystal is installed, it will be domed. If you measure an old crystal, which is already domed, take this into consideration.

Order No. Diameter Suitable for (read instructions below carefully)
W 19-1/2 25.1 mm Alina, Compac (small dial models) $8.50
W 22-1/2 26.7 mm Standard Gage, Mitutoyo $8.50
W 24 27.9 mm BesTest (old models), Girod, Puppitast, TesaTast $8.50
W 25 28.6 mm MarTest, China, Interapid, Federal "A", B&S Group O $7.50
W 28 30.8 mm Mitutoyo "Pocket" style, Starrett models made in China $7.50
W 34-1/2 34.7 mm Mitutoyo, Teclock $7.50
35.7 mm Brown & Sharpe, TESA, Etalon, Compac (special .032" thickness)
W 37-1/2 36.6 mm Starrett model 196, Interapid $7.50
W 38 36.8 mm Starrett $7.50
W 39-1/2 37.8 mm Girodtast, Tesatast, Mitutoyo, B&S, Starrett $7.50
W 40-1/2 39.0 mm Alina, Puppitast, MarTest, Compac, Boice $7.50
W 43 40.0 mm Starrett $12.50
W 46 42.0 mm Mitutoyo $12.50
52.1 mm Peacock, Intertest
52.1 mm Compac dial bore gage (old style)
53.2 mm Boice, Starrett, Mahr-Federal
53.8 mm CDI, Mitutoyo, S-T, Standard, Starrett, Teclock
54.6 mm Brencor

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Long Island Indicator Service
Long Island Indicator Service was founded in 1960. We provide professional repair service for precision measuring tools and gages with an emphasis on Swiss made test indicators, dial indicators, dial calipers and micrometers. We are pleased to be a recognized service partner for Brown & Sharpe.

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