Miniature Dial Indicator Group 0

Model Equivalents

This page is designed to help you find equivalents to miniature dial indicators which you might own or want to replace. It will show the new models when others have become obsolete. It can also help you find better quality equivalents or—vice versa—cheaper alternatives.

Miniature indicators are often refered to as AGD Group 0 and they have bezel diameters of about 1.25" (more or less).

* If you are looking for indicators with larger diameter bezels (approx. 40 or 58 mm) please see our

We have taken the major parameters into account: the range, the graduations, the dial diameter and the stem diameter. On metric models, the stem diameter is 8 mm and on inch models the stem diameter is 3/8" unless otherwise noted. Many miniature models with different stem diameters will take non-standard contact points. Refer to the notes below.

Some indicators ship with a lug back, others have flat backs and lug backs need to be ordered separately. There will of course be some variation from one manufacturer to another. For a detailed comparison of manufacturers and brand names, refer to our
brand comparison page.

Where they're made: (best guess)

* Federal: USA and/or Germany
* Kafer: Germany and/or China
* Mitutoyo: Japan
* Starrett: USA and/or China
Starrett 80-114J is an example of the miniature Group 0 dial indicator. The stem diameter and contact point thread are non-standard.

Many manufacturers have discontinued this size dial indicator. Discontinued models are no longer included in this listing.This page does not pretend to be exhaustive or complete. We have focused on some of the better-known and more readily available indicators in the U.S. market. Items with links will take you to pages with further details.
Graduations Range Back Stem Ø Dial Brand Model No. Thread size
.001" .05" lug 7/32" 0-20-0 Starrett 80-144J 10BA
.001" .1" flat 3/8" 0-20-0 Federal A6Q 10BA
.001" .1" flat 3/8" 0-20-0 Mitutoyo 1921TB-10 4-48
.0005" .02" flat 3/8" 0-20 Kafer KZ6T 4-48
.0005" .05" flat 3/8" 0-10-0 Mitutoyo 1923TB-10 4-48
.0005" .05" lug 3/8" 0-10-0 Mitutoyo 1923T-10 4-48
.0005" .05" flat 3/8" 0-10-0 Federal A3Q 10BA
.0005" .05" flat 7/32" 0-10-0 Starrett 80-134J 10BA
.0001" .01" lug 7/32" 0-2-0 Starrett 80-114J 10BA
.0001" .025" lug 3/8" 0-5-0 Mitutoyo 1925T-10 4-48
.0001" .025" lug 7/32" 0-5-0 Starrett 80-111J 10BA
0.01 mm 2.5 mm lug 8 mm 0-50-0 Mitutoyo 1911T-10 M2.5
0.01 mm 3 mm flat 8 mm 0-25-50 Kafer KM6T M2.5
0.01 mm 3.5 mm flat 8 mm 0-25-50 Kafer MU28 M2.5
0.002 mm 0.5 mm lug 8 mm 0-100-0 Mitutoyo 1913T-10 M2.5

See the best of Mitutoyo on Amazon
See the best of Brown & Sharpe on Amazon
see the
best of Starrett on Amazon
See the
best of Fowler on Amazon

There is no question that Amazon can offer you the best prices on almost every kind of precision measuring tool. They also offer easy no-questions-asked returns and often free shipping. The small distributor simply cannot compete. That's why we include this link so you can go directly to Amazon and see what they're offering.

Something to consider:

  • Amazon product photos sometimes don't match the product description. It's the description that you want to pay attention to.

Companion Reference Guide for Test Indicators — 2020 Edition
$19.50 Now available at

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